General News
15 November, 2024
Today's edition 15th November, 2024
Your locally owned Ararat Advocate is out today with a big wrap of local news, sport and events.

Your locally owned Ararat Advocate is out today with a big wrap of local news, sport and events.
This week we report on our new Mayor and introduce Ararat’s new Councillors, The Oak and Hound wine bar to (re)open in December, photos from the recent East Grampians Business Awards, Ararat Lions open their doors in a bid to attract new members, Kmart’s Wishing Tree appeal launched, Ararat RSL makes a donation to Moyston Market plus a full coverage of Remembrance Day.
There’s also cricket, bowls, tennis, harness racing and the winner of the Avoca Gold Cup.
All in your local Ararat Advocate. The only newspaper based here in Ararat, employing local people and supporting the local community, available right now at Harris Newsagency, Ararat Newsagency, Ritchies Ararat, the North Store, Bakers Delight, Ararat Roadhouse, Ampol on Stawell Road, Willaura Post Office, Lake Bolac Supermarket, Salingers Cafe Great Western, Mininera Post Office, Great Western Servo, Skipton Supermarket, Beaufort News & Tatts, Stawell Newsagency, Grampians General Store Pomonal, Moyston General Store, Halls Gap Newsagency, Navarre General Store and newsagents across Ballarat.